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The Women's Gardens

The story so far to August 2016

In February 2015 on her second visit to Janjanbureh, Victoria Goodall, our UK secretary visited all three women's gardens where she was told they desperately needed new wells. Vic, with the help of Dave Adams and locals, quickly organised a sponsored swim across the River Gambia from the north ferry to Lamin Koto. The thought of Vic swimming amongst possible hippos and crocs encouraged  a lot of suppor and generated £1000 in donations!

However, it was then found that the Jersey Trust had funded the creation of new wells and these were no longer needed. 

In the meantime the newly appointed NAM (National Assembly Member, Ebrima Sarjo, was asked by the women for further support. Wassulung group have now adopted him as their 'father'.

Visits to all three gardens in February 2016
Click on any image to enter slide show

It was important that the money was still used for the gardens so on Vic's return February 2016, Hon Ebrima Sarjo, members of Just Act and Victoria and Jane Smith visited all three gardens at Dumas, Gamspad and Wassulung, meeting the committtees there. In all three cases they wished to extend their land.  The land will be freely given by the Chief but will require further fencing. We would also encourage training in diversification of crops grown.

Presentation to the women's groups May 2016

Report received from Omar Jammeh


On Monday 2nd May 2016 a large programme was held in Janjanbureh where the three women's groups were informed of the funding. 

The lady councillor spoke on behalf of the gardeners who applauded the efforts of JustAct Gambia in contributing to the live's of Janjanbureh women. She further advised them to take the gesture a rare one and make sure the funds were used for its purpose

She concluded by thanking Hon Sarjo for the foresight and also highly commended Just Act for their continuous support


The Deputy Governor  expressed similar sentiments and recognised the role of Just Act Gambia  in the community. He thanked Just Act Youth Group and it's sister body in the UK for making it possible for the women of Janjanbureh in complementing Government efforts.


The Governor CRR, Alh Omar Khan tasked the women of Janjanbureh to take agriculture seriously since it is the backbone of our economy and to continue to work towards national development.  He acknowledged their efforts in securing food sufficiency and assured them of his office support at all times. 

However,  he seized the opportunity to thank Just Act through their management for not only supporting gardening but most importantly their focus in developing youths around Janjanbureh.  Director of Just Act, Omar Jammeh in his presentation disclosed the amount raised by Victoria Goodwell, secretary of Just Act Gambia in February  last year through swimming across the beautiful River Gambia. 

The amount raised during the event was d57.000 which is meant for the expansion of three women's garden, a concern raised by the women on a recent visit by Vic to Janjanbureh and  further appealed by Hon: Ebrima M Sarjo National Assembly Member for Janjanbureh constituency. The said money is to use on fencing materials and training in helping the women to diversify their productions in order to increase marketable produce. 

The Director has assured the authorities of JAG's continuous support in all aspects, more especially in the area of developing youth careers to prepare them for future challenges.

He also thanked JAG members at the presentation and as well the beneficiaries and further advised the beneficiaries to put the funds into best use.


JAG accounts will be in control of the money and  Just Act  youths, JYFCA and the  district youth committee will help in the physical work in extending the gardens and installing the required fencing

Preparation for extensions:- 9th May 2016

Members of Just Act worked with the women to prepare the gardens for their extensions and Musa Foon is traveliing to the Kombos (the coast) with one representative member of the gardens to purchase the wiring.


First fencing installed after rains enable easirr digging:- 7th August 2016

Now the rains have come the ground is suitable for progressing with the installation of the fencing. Members of Just Act and our Football Academy are helping with the labour which must be quite intensive! Our Gambian Director sent these photos of yesterday's work at Wassulung. 
"Work in progress at Wassulung women garden.
The gardens are funded through just act and the work begin with the garden at Wassulung and the expansion consists of 60*40 square meters. The fencing will help to address the damage of crops in the garden."


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